Golden Years: Tips and Resources for Raising Children of All Ages

May 16, 2023
Diverse class of preschool students playing with blocks

It’s true what they say, it takes a village to raise a child – in the modern age, that often means making use of the many online resources at your disposal. Whether they’re 2 or 12, help is only a click away.

Brilliant Babies:

From the ages of 0-3 months, your newborn will be focused on getting to grips with a few basic human functions and, as a first-time parent, your main concern will be with safety.

  • There’s plenty of material on car seats, breastfeeding, sleeping, and holding.
  • Always support your baby’s head and neck and remember, at this stage, they are not ready for rough play or any activities that are too bouncy.
  • Washing bottles and other items for newborns is different than for adults or older children.

Terrific Toddlers:

From the ages of 1-3 years, your child will be busy learning words, testing out emotions, and moving around on their own. For parents, this is a great time to introduce new activities.

  • There’s an art to introducing new activities.
  • There are plenty of respectable internet forums with other parents for discussing toddlers.
  • Child nutritionists have created guides to ensure healthy eating from 1-3

Playful Preschoolers:

Preschool (3-4 years) is all about learning to use tools, developing socially, and creating special memories.

  • Understanding your growing child and their unique needs is key to navigating this exciting period.
  • Finding and choosing the right childcare can be a head-scratcher without guidance.
  • Getting a head start on reading is an advantage for life.

Changing Children:

From the age of 4, we notice our babies growing into amazing little people with unique personalities.

  • You need never run out of fun, creative ideas to keep your child entertained.
  • Introduce your child, aged 5+, to the digital space in a healthy, educational way.
  • Use your newfound extra time to refocus on self-care and self-development – for example, earning a Master’s Degree in management or leadership from a certified college with remote learning opportunities.

This wonderful, exceptional journey can also be a great challenge without help. As a parent, you can rest assured that there are plenty of others, on and offline, who are ready to lend a hand.

The Preschool Connect provides FREE online resources for young children in urban communities. Learn more, at:

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